Good news, bad news

Good news: After more than six months of quiet, comments are restored! Hooray! Let the interacting begin again!

Bad news: I am so. filled. with. rage. at Yahoo, after I pestered their support repeatedly about the comments problem, after which someone finally admitted it was their fault, and the support staff was “trying its level best” to fix it, but there was no timetable. Of course I never heard from them again.

Turns out all I had to do was upgrade my version of WordPress. Yes, all those feisty comments about the ugly Pistilli buildings are lost, along with everyone else’s bon mots…but that’s OK. I keep them in my heart. Thanks again for nothing, Yahoo support.

The more aggravating part, though, is that in my quest to fix my comments, I decided to move hosts, and leave those stupid Yahoo people and their “level best” in the dust. Now that moving process is underway, which is what caused me to upgrade WordPress. Too late to turn back now. And once I move, I’ll have to redo my whole personal website too because the code will not adapt nicely.

Gnash. Gnash. Gnash.

Upshot is that you probably won’t be seeing this blog for the next few days, while it and the domain are transferred over. Don’t panic. When it’s back, let the comments fly!

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