Happy Holidays!

I’ll be gone for a little while–off to Californ-I-A, land of the Meyer lemon.

But when I’m back, oo-ee, look out! We’re approaching the five-year anniversary of Roving Gastronome, and all kinds of new projects on the horizon.

In the meantime, please contemplate the peace and beauty and joy that is the holiday season!

<i>Red and green, see...Christmas-y!</i>
Red and green, see...Christmas-y!

Gummy body parts–they’re not just for Halloween anymore.


  1. AV says:

    If you _do_ end up near the MacArthur BART, give a ring/text and I’ll give you my address and you can go into the backyard and grab as many Meyers as you want … although I’m sure you’ll find enough all over the place. More than one set of neighbors in my old neighborhood (Rockridge) would put boxes of ’em out on the curb, with pleading notes for passers-by to take them and suggestions as to good uses.

    • zora says:

      Oh crap–had my comments set to approve-first, and didn’t see this. But there was such a lag between my California time and my home time, they might not have made it anyway.

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