Happy Mardi Gras–Go Read a Book!

ninelivesMy friend Dan Baum’s new book, Nine Lives, is fantastic.

It’s a social history of New Orleans since 1965, up through and past Hurricane Katrina, as told through the stories of nine city residents. There are so many beautiful details in here–about what makes New Orleans so special, from food to language to economy.

If you’re in New York, you can come see Dan Baum read tonight at the Barnes & Noble at 82nd and Broadway, at 7pm.

Incidentally, Dan Baum is a giant food freak–which is how I happen to know him. I bet if you come to the reading tonight and ask just one random question about po’boys, you’ll derail the whole evening into a heated discussion of New Orleans cuisine.

Which is a great idea. But you should also read the book.

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