Hungry Planet

This is, as Lil’ Kim might say, a fas-kinating book: Portraits of families all around the world photographed with all the food they eat in a week. At the moment, the pic I like most is of the Madsen family of Greenland, with their full array of usual prepackaged semi-junk foods…and a small brace of arctic geese (not yet cleaned) flopped in the middle of the table. They look pleased as punch, and one of the kids says her favorite food is narwhal skin. Rock on, Greenlandic kid! Oh, except I guess I should sound disapproving of eating whales.

This is the second project by the same photographer (and his writer wife). The first one was Material World, which is pics of people with all their physical belongings in front of their house. Meaning, all their furniture, appliances, etc. Everybody, everywhere has a TV. (Just like everyone, everywhere eats a surprising amount of packaged food–except in Bhutan and Darfur.)

The logistical work of these two projects is kind of boggling. Peter and I (well, I) have talked about doing the food photo, just to see, but we get bogged down in technicalities. We did at least to agree to have the designated week not include a lamb roast. Though that would show those Greenlanders a thing or two about fresh carcasses.

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