I [choke] agree with Rachael Ray

RR gets interviewed for a NY Times’ blog on the subject of teaching kids to cook, and I actually found myself agreeing with it. (Not that I have kids, but I sure have plenty of advice, especially on how not to raise them.)

I’ve long said that knowing how to cook is the next most important life skill after literacy. RR (also short for “aRRgh, you’re so perky my eyes are bleeding!”) is smart to identify the sense of empowerment kids (or anyone) can feel when they cook a meal for their family. And I really appreciate that she has started an organization to give low-income kids cooking lessons.

I just wish it weren’t called Yum-O!

I also wish she weren’t so into hot dogs and cheese sauce. But wishin’ don’t make it so.

I am intrigued at the idea of Rachael “Pre-Grated Cheese” Ray being on the same panel with Alice Waters on October 12. Won’t the collision of culinary worldviews create some kind of black hole?

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