It’s Snowing!

The last few winters have been so creepily warm, then just gray and dreary, and then when it finally gets around to snowing, in February, all you can think is, Well, thank _God_, because the apocalypse isn’t coming quite yet.

But snow in December! After it’d actually been cold for a few days! I am genuinely excited.

Last night we had great pre-snow-it’s-effing-freezing food at Kabab Cafe: Ali is doing this lamb cheek appetizer now that is so amazingly good, spiced almost Christmas-y…I don’t know what’s in it. And the poached egg on top doesn’t hurt either.

Oh, and he has a _real_ waiter. Not that Peter and Tamara and Katie aren’t also real waiters, who helped Ali in time of need, but now there’s one guy, who shows up every night and treats it like it’s his job, because it is. His name’s Freddy (Alfredo), and he made me remember what it’s like to even _have_ a waiter: like, he asks if you want water, and he brings you a fork without you having to ask for one. It’s amazing!

Now…what to eat on the day of the snow? I’m going to nip downstairs and make an apple pancake, and maybe even some hot chocolate. (Alas, I have no marshmallows…of any size.)

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