Le website nouveau est arrivee!

Roving Gastronome is redesigned, and it goes down easier than a bottle of Georges DuBoeuf!

That means this blog will someday soon be changing its URL. Start imagining change now, and it won’t seem so awful when it happens.

Also, I’m setting up dedicated blogs for each of my travel guides, so that I can post updates as I learn of them. Because the guidebook author’s horror is always the adorable little cafe that shuts its doors immediately after your book publishes, and then all your readers hate you for getting their hopes up; this is still purely hypothetical in the case of Moon Handbooks Santa Fe, but I fear it, I do. Also bad: hurricanes that wreck the Yucatan Peninsula, one right after Cancun & Cozumel Directions hits stores, and one right as The Rough Guide to the Yucatan comes out. Brilliant. The blogs aren’t quite functional yet, but they will be shortly, as I already have quite a bit of info to add to each.