Like I’ve Been Saying…

The New York Times magazine this week has a short interview with poet laureate Charles Simic. About whom I had no opinion until now:

What advice would you give to people who are looking to be happy?
For starters, learn how to cook.

Also, recently read in the NYT book review, Michael Pollan articulating my concern with current food media:

On NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” a few weeks ago, Pollan deplored the “heroic” cooking on many food shows. “They make it look really hard,” he said. “You know, it’s like watching too much pornography. You think that that’s how sex is done, and it’s kind of intimidating.”

I’ve been meaning to write a little essay on that very problem, but have not gotten to it. I think I’ve been stuck on identifying the culinary equivalent of the Brazilian bikini wax. Thanks, Pollan, as usual, for being succinct and smart.

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