Mexico City #6: Simply Signage

OK, let’s get this one out of the way first. It’s ridiculous and unfortunate:

negro disaster

And this is also pretty unfortunate. But it happens to be in a very nice neighborhood.

medellin and sinaloa

And there are other lovely combinations:

poe and shakespeare

Excellent subway advertisements. Only because we were in Mexico City during Semana Santa, when crowds in the metro are at a minimum, could we take these photos without other people in them.

mayo ad

shrimp ad

And then there’s this, much classier, in the Palacio de Bellas Artes. This font makes me want to buy tickets to anything.


Finally, back to the metro. You may know that Mexico City’s metro is notable for the fact that each stop has a symbol as well as a name, to aid illiterate riders. We happened to walk past the public transport office (honest, just happened to!), where we saw these sign showing the inspiration for several of the metro-stop symbols.

metro symbols

Favorite: It’s a toss-up between the duck and the grasshopper, I think. What’s yours?


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