Mexico, ho!

Part of the reason I’m not writing much as that I’m prepping for another short-notice trip to Mexico. Frantically trying to finish current book so I can get started on another book. Happily, I feel like I’m over the hump in terms of terrible hotels to visit, so maybe this trip will be more leisurely…Didn’t I say that last time?

No food news, except: those crazy Sicilians put peas and eggs in everything! I had the most insane lasagne this weekend, chez Victoria…she held off on the hard-boiled eggs because she thought we couldn’t handle it. It was one of those meals where you just keep eating because you know you’ll wake up in the morning regretting not having eaten even more. Otherwise, I’m embarrassed at the state of my fridge: not even omelet fixings…

After Tamara scored me an amazing set of silver-plate cutlery for my birthday, I too joined Freecycle, and now I’m getting hundreds of emails daily for things like “WANTED: anything to do with Kermit the Frog” and “OFFERED: brand-new cat-nail clippers.” I’m afraid to think what happened to the cat.

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