Moon New Mexico Giveaway

Whoo-hoo! Free stuff! I just got a big ol’ box of copies of my new Moon New Mexico guidebook, hot off the presses.

And you reap the benefits: I’m giving away four copies, so you can get your summer travel planning started right. To enter, just leave a comment below by Monday, April 4 at midnight (end of the day Monday). I’ll pick four random numbers that day.

I’m not judging the quality of your comments, but it would be fun for everyone if you told us where your favorite place in New Mexico is, where you’d most like to go or how old you were when you finally realized New Mexico is part of the United States.

Let the games begin…


  1. Tom says:

    Although we live in Western Colorado, we almost moved to Farmington. Why Farmington you ask? Because they have one of the coolest libraries I’ve ever been to. It’s built like a kiva and even has marks on the floor to denote the solstices and equinoxes. Also, one of the best southwest collections I’ve seen and my wife says it has one of most extensive fiber arts sections as well. Check it out the next time you’re in Farmington!

  2. Joanna Marsh says:

    I just finished looking through your OLD Moon NM guidebook in preparation for our upcoming trip back there in September / October. We’ve renewed our passports and there’s no doubt it will feel like coming home again.

    My favorite place would have to waking up at the base of Canyon de Chelley at sunrise. Don’t ask me how I got there as horses and Navajos were involved, but I’d love to see those soul soothing rock and sky colors again.

  3. Michelle Reed says:

    I’ve always known New Mexico was a state, one of the perks of being born here.
    I would have to say that my favorite place in NM has to be right where I am living. I have access to wilderness, mountains, desert and lakes. I can’t see myself living anywhere else.

  4. J says:

    Totally would come in handy for my east to west coast road trip whenever I get that planned out.

    Enjoyed the BKK bike trip post too as well. Would have love to have rode them when I was there.

  5. Mo says:

    I love love love New Mexico!! Traveled there a few years ago – got to see Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, Great Sand Dunes, Roswell, Valley of Fires, the Billy the Kid highway, Albuquerque, Sandia Peak – it was wonderful!! Didn;t get to spend enough time and really want to go back!! Especially would like to spend more time in the Sante Fe/Taos areas…

  6. Lily says:

    My first experience in New Mexico was during senior year of college aboard an anthropology field study! I LOVED the magic of Santa Fe, the culture and the people. My next visit was to Las Cruces to visit a friend, who brought me through Mesilla and White Sands. During my next trip I plan on visiting the lightning fields!

  7. Cerise says:

    Is it sad that I truly NEED a guidebook for the state where I grew up? You never do the things you’re supposed to do when you live there. Congrats on the new edition Zora! 🙂

  8. thao says:

    Pick me! Pick me! I’ve heard amazing things about New Mexico and Carlsbad Cavern is on my life list. I hope 2011 will be the year I make it down there.

  9. Trudi says:

    My favorite place in the whole world is the White Sands Desert!! My two oldest got to spend alot of time here when we lived in Tularosa for awhile. now back in minnesota for 9 yrs my youngest,6,looks forward to seeing this amazing place and amazing state when we get to visit in august to be in my cousins gypsy wedding in Ruidoso!! I cannot wait to show him all the wonders of New Mexico 🙂

  10. Juls says:

    New Mexico – oh sweet New Mexico
    You fill my heart and sing to my soul,
    you make my dreams come alive
    and allow my spirit to soar
    Just can’t help myself – like a tranquilizer for this crazy life.
    You are under my skin –
    I can not NOT come to see you again.

  11. Monica says:

    My boyfriend and I drove through New Mexico on our way to Georgia from California last fall. Seeing the sun rise above the Sandia Mountains was indescribable; there was just something about the state that really pulled on my heartstrings. I can’t wait to go there again some day and be able to really enjoy what it has to offer. We were only able to stop by Albuquerque but Las Cruces is definitely on our list for next time!

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