Mrs. Dalloway for a Day!

Enterprising young Tamara–here’s her recent Craigslist posting:

Are you planning a party in your home but need a little help with the cooking, plating, presentation, hosting and cleanup? I am your Mrs. Dalloway… without the suicide!

I can help you plan, shop, cook, plate, serve, strategize, host, and/or clean up, so you can enjoy your party. I can be as hands on or off as you wish, depending on your level of comfort. I can also take over the dinner/party entirely if you would like, and cook and/or serve the whole thing for you. (and you can feel free to pass it off as your own genius if you please).

I have excellent references and culinary/cocktail knowledge. Feel free to contact me for further information. Rates are negotiable depending on how much help you need.

Email me if you’re in the NYC area and need her oh-so-capable services, or follow the link for her email address.

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