New Mexico Quarters

This has nothing to do with food, except that I just ate a breakfast burrito with the last of my red chile sauce, so I’m feeling a little New Mexico-y right now, but I just found out (via Duke City Fix) that the proposed designs for the New Mexico quarter have been whittled down to four.

Four variations on bo-ring, that is.

I’ve secretly been excited about the introduction of the New Mexico quarter. It means that the rest of the US will finally realize that spot between Texas and Arizona is part of the country! People in Iowa will be holding the quarter up to the light and squinting and saying, “Well, I’ll be! Since 1912? Who knew?!” And of course the quarter would be some ingenious, unique image that shows off how cool the state really is, and how it basically kicks the ass of every other state.

nmquarterBut it won’t be. Why couldn’t they pick this one, with a big mushroom cloud? Birthplace of the Atomic Bomb–how’s that for ass-kicking? Maybe now’s the time to take up counterfeiting. Does it even count as a felony if my quarter isn’t an exact imitation of existing money?

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