Off I go…plus a call for ideas

Leaving for NM tomorrow–probably won’t encounter quite so many kooks and alienated gringos as on a typical Mexico research trip, but I’m sure there won’t be a shortage of characters. And there will be hella good food.

Calling all research geniuses: Gavagirl emailed me wondering if I knew a way to find out the sort of chocolate served in first class on German airlines in the mid-1970s, per the orgasmic recollections of a friend of hers. I wish I knew an answer, but I’m drawing a blank.

(Though it did remind me of the yummy breakfast I had on Air France once, especially these little butter cookies–it was so good that the next time I flew to Europe, I booked a breakfast flight with them, but then the whole thing got jacked up in the very way that causes people to call it Air Chance, and I ended up missing my breakfast entirely, and not getting any food at all really. I haven’t gambled that way since.)

Anyway, email me or post suggestions in the comments. I know someone out there must be a jet-setting German kid in 1975 with a photographic memory…

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