Search for how i learned to cook - 33 results found

Banh Mi at Home, part deux

Last week, I actually bought some new cookbooks. You’d think, as a regular cook with a bookish bent, I’d be awash in the things, but some terrible stinginess always takes over whenever I approach a bookstore. (Have I mentioned how much I love the public library? The only problem with checking cookbooks out of the …

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Best of RG V: The Man in the Bow Tie

Best of RG IV: The Man in the Bow Tie The thrilling retrospective continues…and the voices are back. “Gosh, Joanie, I’m feeling parched. I sure could use a milkshake,” goes Chachi. And just then, with the flawless timing accorded everyone in thirty-minute sitcoms, up walks Al. He’s wearing a bow tie and looking paternal. He’s …

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Happy Wedding, Todd and Sarah!

Todd ‘n’ Sarah, the superheroes of weddings, had their third and final celebration a couple of weeks ago, just as you would hope, in a moody basement on a side street in Williamsburg. They asked me to cook up a mess of food in the Mid East vein–which to me means hella garlic, and that …

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On vomiting

Before I get to the grisly matter at hand: We cooked a big meal, it was delicious, and we all loved each other soooo much. Easter, this time. We made a toast to the lamb. Surprisingly, for a meal that started at 4 in the afternoon, I didn’t eat myself sick, but somehow we did …

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Purslane redux

Now that eGullet has reorganized, the links to the things I had published there are dead. So, a small attempt to salvage. And it's relevant to the sumac mention a couple of posts back--Lebanese fattoush isn't fattoush without sumac...and purslane.

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Like an elephant

So here I am back in New Mexico, land of enchantment (state bird: roadrunner; state cookie: biscochito), and I'm sitting in a cafe in Albuquerque using the wireless Internet, and I hear some guys next to me chatting.

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Kitchen Hex

I feel cursed. I am looking around my apartment for evil-looking amulets. I am examining my recent actions for bad karma generation. But I am stumped as to why my pots are scorching, my cookies are cakey, and my meat sauce is mushy.

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