Queen Mary 2: The View

What’s it like to take the Queen Mary 2 from New York to England?

Well, there are lots of details to share, but first–and most–of all, there’s this:

Day 2

This photo’s by Peter–as are the rest of them.

And then there’s some of this:

Day 3

If you crane your head out of your balcony zone, there’s this:


For variety, the sun sets.

Day...oh, whatever.

You can also of course leave your cabin and enjoy the view a little closer to the waterline:

Yahtzee, anyone?

If they’re fiddling with the lifeboats, the view is a bit more limited.

Just a test.

And before you know it…

Land ho!

Details next week.


  1. zora says:

    Yes, doesn’t it? I feel like there should be little knobs down below the railing. As for intrigue, the first day or so definitely felt like we were at the start of some big drama…but it soon dissipated. But then, when we got off, we read this story, so I guess there was a little intrigue on board. Or at least the US security apparatus thought there was–which is not the same thing. Only drama for us was that we were delayed an hour getting off the ship, allegedly due to “high winds” that prevented the gangplank from being set up, but it seemed pretty calm to us.

  2. zora says:

    In fact, I should be in Amsterdam for a bit, in late Nov/early Dec. (Jeremy, hope to head your way too, after that…) Will definitely keep you all posted!

  3. Naomi says:

    Um, hello fun! Yahtzee on a big boat, sure as hell beats Yahtzee in the city!

    I hope you stole some good souvenirs (translation: did you get a cool ashtray I could nick next time I’m over…in January!)

    P.S. Love the Cooks Illustrated post. I realized I ordered them just for the illustrations on the back cover.

    • zora says:

      I think Peter saved our place cards from dinner at the captain’s table! But heavy swag was in short supply. I think they anticipated this issue, unfortunately…

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