Queens Writers Fellowship News

In late summer, I spread the word that the Queens Writers Fellowship–aka office space in my house–was opening up, and I needed a steady partner to come slave away next to me all fall while I finished a draft of my book.

Part of the treat of offering up the QWF is seeing who turns up. Every time I announce it, I get emails and tweets of support from all over. One of them was from Annia Ciezadlo, author of Day of Honey (my rave here), whom I met by buying four copies of her book and not seeming too crazy-stalker-ish in the process.

Manhattan-dwelling Annia is not, strictly speaking, a Queens writer. She did, however, write to me that she “needs more Queens in her life.” And that certainly is a bonus of coming to my joint to work: heart of Astoria, baby, with all its taco joints, halal meat and Maltese treats.

Conscientious Annia was concerned about nepotism in her application for the fellowship. I assured her that nepotism just made the whole thing Queens-ier. It also helped that her schedule was wide open, and she had two book ideas she wanted to kick-start.

So, after I got back from Morocco, and after I got my wisdom teeth out, and after Hurricane Sandy, and after the election… We finally got to work. (Hot Page Six item: Annia writes longhand!)

It has been a great stretch of writing (which is why blog updating has been spotty). Next week, Annia’s taking off to teach a class in Abu Dhabi.

I’m slogging on here. Which means: the fellowship is open again starting the week of January 7!

Please drop me an email by January 2 if you want to get some writing done. The extra desk could be yours, along with coffee, possibly a hot lunch and general camaraderie. Tell me what your schedule is like, and what you’re working on.

Queens residency preferred, but not required; no bribes necessary.


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