
Even two weeks after my guidebook marathon, my brain feels like a little sponge that has been wrung out completely dry. I can barely form sentences.

While I continue to recover from my writing trauma, please take these entertaining diversions under consideration:

Frappe Nation: Summer is the season for frappe, the best iced-coffee treatment ever. Unfortunately, my stomach is so jacked up from this last period of intense stress that I’ve had to go off the caffeine (and, horrors, the booze!) until everything heals up. It nearly killed me when I saw the adorable little how-to-make-a-frappe video on the site. Only use Greek Nescafe, and drink one for me, please.

Thursday Night Smackdown: Since I can’t currently get it up to do anything more than stare into space and eat wasa bread, please enjoy this other expert home cook and cusser. Scroll back to find the super-hideous Paula Deen smackdown. I’m still shuddering.

All I can say is, thank the sweet lord for the CSA, or I would’ve died of malnutrition weeks ago. Not only am I not the least bit inspired to write, but planning any kind of meal has been beyond me. There’ve been a lot of omelets recently–good omelets!–and lots of salads, but anything that requires specific shopping…I can’t really muster going to the store, because that would require a list, and that would require…writing.

Anyway, talk amongst yourselves. I’ll get it together again soon.

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