Rosie Rocks!

Bitchin’ in the Kitchen with Rosie: A new tome for the archives: Forking Fantastic

An actual review from an actual stranger! I feel so proud! And relieved that more of “our kind of people” really exist out there, and get our jokes.

Seriously, I was faintly worried that we were writing for an audience that we had just conjured up in our imaginations. “Who’s coming to dinner? Well, Mr. Fox–he loves to swear. And Barney Squidgems–he loves ham. And Miss Violet–she lives in a tiny apartment, but actually does want to cook for people, even though she doesn’t know it yet.”

(I think I had an imaginary friend who was a fox when I was little–the others, I just made up on the spot. I swear.)

One comment

  1. Rosie says:

    To be truthful – I am a little tired of all the PC bullshit that floats around. Real people curse, tell dirty jokes and eat stuff that is bad for them even when they know better. So yeah we are out here lurking – and hopefully the rest will buy your book too…

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