Self-Promotion Is So Uncool…

And since I am so fabulously cool, I guess that’s why I haven’t done it.

But I just spent 10 minutes composing a post about how you should nominate me for a Bloggie. I mean, Roving Gastronome, the blog, has been around for five years, officially, as of today! (As opposed to Roving Gastronome, the dinner party, which some of you may remember. Listen up, young whippersnappers–I’ll tell you about a supper club!)

And then I realized that in those 10 minutes, the nominations had closed.

Classic. Well, think fondly of me, please, and next year you can nominate me for “best-kept secret weblog,” and for the freakin’ lifetime achievement award. This year, I miss the cutoff date for that (starting prior to Jan. 1, 2004) by less than two weeks.

That makes me feel a little old. Whippersnappers–you still there? Let me tell you about blogging by dial-up! And the snow in those days! Oh, wait, the Victrola needs winding…back in a sec…

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