Sunday Night Dinner Flipbook Action

File under Found Art:

Last Sunday, Karl took 526 photos. (That’s a lot, but not a lot more than he usually takes.)

Peter strung it together with his movie-maker software, and added a little sound loop.

(It’s 8MB–takes a sec to load.)

(What we made, if you’re curious: guacamole–with Mexican avocados, of course; jicama sprinkled with chile and salt–that’s what the French-fry-looking-things are; sopes with goat cheese and salsa roja–the little fried guys; chicken broth with mushrooms and epazote; duck legs with red mole; wild rice; steamed purslane and chayote; Caesar salad; flambe bananas with chocolate sauce, which wound up being the nastiest-looking dessert ever. Spaten provided the beer–classy!)