Survey: Where Should Roving Gastronome Go?

Big news here at RG HQ: I think I’m getting more…mature. A little wiser. At least in the field of travel.

After, oh, 20 years of slogging around the world being rigorously independent, I’m finally realizing there’s tremendous value in putting yourself in the hands of experts.

Ag Museum: Closer

In the last couple of years, I’ve had the pleasure of going on a few organized outings–whether a full-on week in Syria with Anissa Helou, a couple days of Thai cooking classes in Chiang Mai, or, most recently, just a morning taco-noshing tour with Eat Mexico. And you know what? I learned something! I felt connected! I was often so giddy I was jumping up and down!

So I want to share this experience, via Roving Gastronome tours. They’ll combine the knowledge I’ve gained from guidebook research trips with fantastic insider connections–the kind of thing that makes a group excursion really worthwhile.

To this end, I’m working with the delightful Brown + Hudson, a crew of savvy Brits who have been leading tours for years and seem to know everyone everywhere. (Yup–same fab guys who put together the stunning itinerary for the Forking Fantastic! Morocco outing. Which reminds me: I’m headed there soon! Yipes.)

Right now, we’re tweaking details for a fall trip (the location’s a surprise! I’ll tell you soon!). But for future trips, I’d love to have your input. Please fill out this quick survey to give me an idea what you’d like to see in a tour: destinations, cost, timing, etc. It’s easy, and who doesn’t want to spend five minutes fantasizing about travel?

Looking forward to hearing your input! And I can’t wait to tell you what we’ve got in the works…

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