Syria Pics

In an amazing turnaround, I’ve managed to put them all up online within less than 24 hours of my return home!

Check out the Flickr set here.

That, however, does not include the real highlight of the trip, which was a visit to the basement lair of Pistache d’Alep, a sweet shop in Aleppo, where we got to see how all the various thready, flaky, crispy, crunchy, nutty things were made. It kind of blew my mind. So there’s a separate Flickr set all for that, which includes this video:

I love the music that happens to be playing in the background of the first clip. It really set the tone for wacky sweet shop hijinks. Imagine that on endless loop, a battalion of sixteen-year-old boys running around, giant bubbling cauldrons, flour hanging in the air and bizarrely specific industrial machinery, and you have a small hint of what it was like down there. Oh, plus, add lots of butter.


  1. Zora says:

    Thanks! And glad you like the hat. I actually think Peter got it at the Jersey shore somewhere, thinking it was stretchy enough to fit his head, but it doesn’t. It says “Split” on the band for some reason, so you can also pretend it’s a souvenir of Croatia.

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