Tag: copenhagen

Weekend in Copenhagen

I spent the first couple of days in Copenhagen thinking it was just like Amsterdam:

Semi-dreary weather that fosters gezelligheid, I mean hygge

Aw, adorable.

Loads of bikes…

The bike-traffic counter on one of the big bridges.

Snazzy design…

Even the thrift stores are hip-looking in Copenhagen.

Common-sense outlook…

The sign says to drink a glass of milk every day.

But some variations started to creep in, the more I looked around. The buildings were taller, pointier. The people weren’t taller, but they were pointier too, somehow. I walked past a shop selling leather harnesses, and it turned out they were for horses, not for bondage.

And the fast-food stands weren’t selling herring, but hot dogs with fantastically snappy skin.

My friend S--- says you must drink chocolate milk with your hot dog.

And after a day of walking around with my friend S— and her family, it finally kicked in. I was in a new place! With all kinds of new and interesting things. I’m not sure what triggered it–maybe passing the Maersk shipping line headquarters (unsurprisingly boxy), or seeing the espresso stand on the promenade, built into one of those three-wheeled utility trucks.

Or it might’ve just been when I saw the Little Mermaid statue?

She is indeed quite little.

Thanks, Copenhagen–my mental map has just expanded further north.