Tag: crimson sofa

All Aboard the Crimson Sofa!

Now I see why, when people sell their books, they just copy and paste the announcement from Publishers Weekly. I don’t really know what else to say.

Co-author of Forking Fantastic! and travel writer Zora O’Neill’s THE CRIMSON SOFA: Journeys Into the Arabic Speaking World, which uses the author’s twenty years of learning the thorny Arabic language and her travels in the Middle East and North Africa to shine a personal, illuminating and often humorous light on the diverse cultural and social landscape of the various Arabic-speaking countries, to Amanda Cook at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, in a pre-empt, by Gillian MacKenzie of the Gillian MacKenzie Agency (World English).

To make it seem a little more concrete, I did a Google image search for “crimson sofa.” I got this. Hmmm.

Go eye patch!

And then this:

The lovely Diana Vreeland, on her lovely crimson sofa
The lovely Diana Vreeland, on her lovely crimson sofa

Which made me realize…duh, I have a crimson sofa. But I don’t look that glam on it, and I won’t be hanging out on it much in the coming year. The book won’t seem real until I start traveling and writing. First stop: Egypt, this fall.