Tag: entry

Free Stuff

One of the side effects of having more than three readers on this blog is that people now email me about all kinds of exciting opportunities.

Once I sift through the ones about increasing my manhood, I don’t wind up with much. But this doesn’t seem like a bad deal at all: Food Service Warehouse is giving away $1,000 worth of knives–and if a whole collection of super-sharp knives doesn’t increase your manhood, I don’t know what does.

No catch. The knives are Dexter-Russell–pretty reliable, sturdy, used in a lot of restaurant kitchens. This might be a great chance to try out a new, odd kind of knife that you wouldn’t otherwise spend money on. (I’m curious about santoku blades, for instance, but not enough to throw down and clutter up the kitchen.) Oh, and I see my favorite knife–the boner–is in the package. Can’t say no to that, can you!

Here’s the link: Cutlery Contest and Restaurant Supplies at Food Service Warehouse

Enter before the end of the month!

(OK–there’s a small catch. The entry form requires a bit more information than savvy web users might be happy supplying. FSW doesn’t resell the info, but it does look like it will send you a newsy email of its own once a month or so. You can always unsubscribe. And I guess I should say that now that I’ve put that link up, I get a kickback if you win. Viral, baby, viral–with sharp knives!)