Tag: lemons

Purslane redux

Now that eGullet has reorganized, the links to the things I had published there are dead. So, a small attempt to salvage. And it's relevant to the sumac mention a couple of posts back--Lebanese fattoush isn't fattoush without sumac...and purslane.

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Duck, duck, grease

Last night was Sunday and Peter's birthday--a double call for dinner. Tamara's sharp invitation to dinner at Peter's new apartment (housewarming too: make that a triple call for dinner) reminded us it was his Jesus year, and that the birthday boy should be affectionately referred to as "you fucking fag."

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Live Poultry

I'm getting a little worried about myself. All this bluster about fresh-killed meat, but this weekend I was dealing with a few chickens from the petting zoo and felt a small twinge of nausea.

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