Tag: new york

And another thing to read

I mentioned it back in the fall, but then I was just guessing at how enjoyable it would be. Now I know The Upper East Side Cookbook, by the lovely Parsley Cresswell, is the next volume to add to your shelves.

Poor Miss Parsley. She feels herself losing her toehold in the society of the Upper East Side. And I think, in these troubled economic times, we can all relate to that. Just yesterday, downward mobility was the subject of breakfast conversation.

Miss Parsley is inventive, though, and cooks and forages to save money, as well as to cheer herself up. And the recipes in this book are all quite accessible and delicious. But that hardly does the book justice–it’s really a wonderful document of NYC life, and I feel proud to have had a very small hand in it. (I know Parsley’s alter ego, and provided light copy editing services.)

Your copy, printed on demand, is available here. Or you can pick one up at The Corner Bookstore (91st and Madison) or Kitchen Arts & Letters (on Lexington).

Maybe it’s just the thing for Mother’s Day? You know, just to show that even though you’re actually not doing quite so well as your parents, you’re still managing to feed yourself…