Tag: regulars

Hunts Point Fish Market

Photos are up over at Flickr. Not a lot of them. But still–such pretty, pretty fish. Even if the setting is now totally dull and industrial–no Brooklyn Bridge twinkling in the night. Perhaps saddest of all, there’s no bar nearby to warm up in before the big shop, as we did in 2005. We loaded up on shellfish for our Election Day Cafe oyster roast.

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Funny: a lobby full of clowns in a hotel I passed earlier today here in Merida--clowns at rest, chatting, smoking cigarettes, puffing up their orange Afros.

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Just for the record, I'm in Mexico again. Neatly avoiding all post-election fallout. Dodging trauma by driving fast and not looking at headlines.

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Banh Mi, but Don’t Blame Me

Last week, as I was stuffing the world's best snack, the banh mi, the Vietnamese sandwich specifically from the dark little hole under the Manhattan bridge that's open only five hours a day, down my gullet in a frenzied urge to maximize the sweet-hot-crispy-gooey-meaty-veggie taste sensation, I was also contemplating how it is that I'm chronically late.

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