Tag: semana santa

Spain–He Is Risen!

Now that I’m Greek Orthodox, I’m not supposed to say this, but today is Easter. And you’d think that would be a day of rest in Spain, right? I mean, teams of 40 men have been carrying immensely heavy statues through the streets nearly all day, every day for a week. There was a special 100th-anniversary-of-something procession yesterday with all of the statues. Today everyone kicks back and eats, right?

Yeah, no. Three more groups are parading today, starting at noon. Como se dice ‘overkill’?

But to be fair, even last night I was still stunned by a procession. We caught one coming up a hill, without much of a crowd around. There’s this great super-slow Doppler effect with the band, which follows behind the statue. So the music’s getting louder and louder, but if you’re around a bend you can’t really see anything. And then the music is bouncing off the walls of the buildings super-loud just as the statue, surrounded by candles, emerges from the side street.

And then, as the statue goes by, and you’re boggling at how heavy it is, the band finally emerges and it is even LOUDER. And the bass drums go by last.

I saw this effect for the first time a few nights ago, with a statue of Christ hauling the cross, surrounded by centurions with huge feathers in their helmets. When the statue emerged from the side street, with the band blaring, all we saw first was the feathers. By the time the whole statue was visible, I expected Jesus and the soldiers to be doing a big kick line routine.

On the research front, things have gotten a little easier. We’ve figured out the route to break out of our little procession island, and know better to avoid bars right on the routes, because they’re mobbed and are basically pulling tapas out of their asses. “Beer coasters? Toss ’em in the fryer! Forty more people just showed up!”

Yesterday was a good day for research–I checked a fair amount of stuff of my list, and it even felt a little easy and like I was ahead of the game.

Then I looked at my watch, and I realized I’d been walking, with Beverly tagging along behind, for ten hours straight.

We started out after our churros and chocolate–the logical thing to eat when it’s 44 degrees out. But apparently the rest of the city thought so too. I have never seen bars so frenzied, even at night. The place where we did finally get our ch-and-ch fix–an excellent rec from AV–looked like a war zone inside, with empty chocolate cups four deep and two high stacked all along the bar. So we sat outside, which was for the best, since we were wearing every layer of clothing we packed (six each), and it would’ve been too difficult to adjust to a heated room.

The chocolate was thick as pudding, and the churros actually had a little ridgy texture, which I have seen only up in northern Spain–down south here, they’re usually they’re just smooth round tubes. And they were so perfectly fried and light they were almost empty inside. We shared a table with an older Spanish couple, the only people we saw all day who were as bundled up as we were.

Later, I admit, we did stop for a fairly nice lunch. Lovely baby beans with ham, and some nice fancy mushrooms. A real live green salad. And some too-creative-sounding veal with cardamom that turned out to be good. Finished with a little dab of orange wine that the waiter, who looked like Peter Dinklage, gave me for free, because apparently it was available only by the bottle. Crazy.

And later we took a 15-minute break in a bar that went from funky-neighborhoody to totally skeevy in the time it took for the foam to settle on our beers. While I was looking in the kitchen and noticing that when the sign said “food cooked with love,” they really meant “food cooked with cigarette butts and dirty wads of paper towels,” the older regulars at the bar were replaced by strung-out hippies, one of whom was doing the junkie lean into his beer. The review I was writing in my head was quickly discarded, and I pushed my octopus tapa around, feeling bad that it had died in vain. We fled up the street and took solace in a church with a very strange collection of artifacts, none labeled.

Which reminds me–earlier in the day, we saw an honest-to-God shrunken head in another museum! Why that museum is not listed in the guidebook I cannot for the life of me imagine. I can’t wait to rectify that oversight, and type the words “shrunken head” in the manuscript! First I will have to figure out what the whole point of the museum is, though–the guided tour was in Spanish, and while I thought I understood what the guy was saying most of the time, when I strung it all together at the end for Beverly, I realized it made no sense at all.

I’m sure a million other funny things have happened, but they’ve all been beaten out of my head by those bass drums. Monday is going to be quiet, right?

Spain–Live Blogging: Semana Santa

Ooh, they’re cheering outside!

Ooh, the brass band is playing!

Ooh, the drums are drumming!

Ooh, they’re singing!

Repeat, for seven hours.

Actually, the singing is novel. And that did just happen as I was typing it. Otherwise, no need for actual live blogging–you get the idea. And it will go on till Sunday.

I’m in Granada now. We started running across Semana Santa events a few days back, as we’ve moved to progressively larger towns, and now the big city. In each case, the bands have gotten tighter, the statues have gotten more humongous and the crowds have gotten more giddy and festive, rather than somber. They’ve also gotten monstrous, to the point where we could not get home tonight for a couple of hours because we happened to be on the wrong side of a procession.

It’s like New Year’s Eve, Halloween and the Fourth of July all mixed together. (Not for the fireworks–just lots of brass bands.)

Oh, also, for us Americans, toss in a smidge of a good old-fashioned lynching, what with all the pointy hoods and the fires blazing. I did a little research today, and no one seems to know why the KKK dress up like Catholic penitents, when they hate Catholics so much. And now they’ve gone and given a whole country an image problem. Maybe the Spanish can get together with the Navajo and lament the misuse of the swastika as well.

And can I just emphasize the not-somber factor? I was surprised by this. I’m used to New Mexico, where, aside from the occasional clown at a pueblo dance, religious ceremony is Some Serious Shit. No teenagers are taking pictures of their friends with their cell phones in NM, and damn sure no one’s ducking out of their band duties to have a glass of wine at the nearest bar.

Oooh, they’re cheering outside again. This happens whenever the team carrying the statue successfully negotiates a curve in the street. This involves a great deal of shuffling in place–like a 200-point K-turn.

Every time I see them do it (and you can only see their feet under the whole howda-like construction upon which the Virgin Mary or Christ is resplendent), I have flashbacks to all the times I had to turn the car around in tiny villages in the past two weeks. I may not be Catholic, but I am with them in spirit.

Oooh, there are some woodwinds chiming in. That’s new.

What else? Well, the guys in the hoods are supposed to be the penitents, but they’re followed by this enormous crew of women in very glam black gowns and long lace mantillas and sleek black stockings…and tippy little pointy high heels. Dudes might be hoisting a wooden cross–but walking stop-and-go, museum-style for seven hours in stilettos? Those women probably just have to cut their feet off at the end of the night and start fresh. I hope they’re in religious ecstasy.

OK, totally dazed by lack of sleep. Putting my earplugs in and calling it a night, at the weak-ass hour of 1 a.m. There will be plenty more opportunities. Somehow, just now, I am not singing “I Love a Parade.”

And, before I could get to the earplugs, the street… I was about to type ‘has gone completely quiet.’ But no–there’s the brass band again. Nighty-night. Tomorrow I try to figure out whether any of the tourist attractions I need to research will actually be open.