Tag: tortilla

Like an elephant

So here I am back in New Mexico, land of enchantment (state bird: roadrunner; state cookie: biscochito), and I'm sitting in a cafe in Albuquerque using the wireless Internet, and I hear some guys next to me chatting.

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Winding down

Tonight's my last night--back in the old favorite Playa del Carmen. Not the greatest beach town, but certainly not the worst, and the array of the Italian tourists' bathing suit styles and depths of tans is quite impressive.

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The Radar I Have, As It Pertains to Restaurants*

Last night I realized mine needs to be specially recalibrated for Mexico.

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Of dogs and pigs

So that dude who asked me if I partied... As the conversation got going, I thought, Nooo, he can't possibly be so sleazy as to hit on me, I mean, that's just too sad and predictable.

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