Thailand, Digested: Top 5 Delights, Part 2

Continuing my swooning praise of Thai food culture…

2) “Orange” juice. How can I convey the insane pleasure that comes from slurping up a straw-ful of what you think will be just plain old orange juice…only to discover it is the sweetest, tangiest, most intense tangerine nectar you’ve ever drunk? It was tangerine season–the streets were filled with the things. I’m crying a little just thinking about it. I wish I had drunk more.

And I know it’s bad form to dwell on just how cheap things are when you travel, but…it was only 30 cents. Again, I’m crying.

And I’m sorry I don’t have a photo. It looked just like orange juice. Here’s me with some giant fake fish balls instead. They’re orange too.

Fish Balls

**For more pics, see my Flickr set.***

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