The coming Thai revolution

I’m reading a story on food trends in that little Life newspaper insert, and there’s this quote:

“On a mission to rule the global foodscape, the Thai government has been exporting chefs and heavily promoting its cuisine. The result: more than 3,000 Thai restaurants across the States, an increase of about 120 percent since 2003.”

Huh. Does that directly account for all the places on 30th Ave, and the one on Ditmars? Do Thais get subsidies to open restaurants?

Very cursory research reveals that the Thai government isn’t focusing just on the US: Saudi Arabia might like Thai food too.

And here’s a story in the Bangkok Post that explains the whole “Kitchen of the World” program–which does include subsidies for restaurant owners! Cheesy name, but great news. When I can get fresh kaffir lime leaves in Astoria, I know they will have succeeded.

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