The Foodista

I had the pleasure of meeting The Foodista herself in person last night. I’ve occasionally perused her blog in the past, as a fellow Astorian–I just never realized we could meet in person.

Anyhoo, she attended our Primary Day Cafe party at Tamara’s last night, where we gorged ourselves on nachos and watched TV, and it was a pleasure to have her company.

Yeah, nachos–sooo highbrow.

But we talked about serious things. Shout-out to Ed for explaining the whole superdelegate issue. To quote Tamara, “Why am I 39 years old, and only just now hearing about this?!” An illuminating evening (uh, that’s the first time I’ve really heard Obama speak, and looked at him–it doesn’t really count on the radio; oh, and also: I always thought Ron Paul=Ron Popeil. I didn’t even know he was a real candidate!), along with some tasty food: democracy in action.

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