Travel-Guide Trauma

I’d call it PTSD, but I’m not out of the woods yet. Two books yet to finish before the end of July.

Meantime, I’m having the following nightmares:

*I get a call from my editor at Rough Guides, asking if I can make another trip to Mexico soon. I say yes, because I know I have a week free coming up. As soon as I hang up, I realize I’m a sucker–there’s no reason I need to go back down there now. Then I realize I actually already have a trip booked for June 2 through June 9–a trip I’d completely forgotten about. The rest of the dream is me involved in various other activities, but knowing I need to get to a phone to tell my RG people I can’t possibly do the MX thing, and where do they get off asking, anyway? I wake up shaken, and run immediately to my calendar. Phew–June 2 through June 9 is still free.

*I’m in Cairo, and a friend convinces me to go to Iran with her. Awesome–always wanted to go. The tickets to Tehran are bought, it’s a couple hours before the flight, and it dawns on me that I must need a visa. The dream devolves into my more general travel-anxiety dream: packing in slow-motion, with endless distractions, plus here the bonus of not knowing how to sort out my visa issue.

Nothing a long vacation can’t fix. Preferably a vacation to a visa-less country…