Tune in Tomorrow: Me on the Radio!

Just a note to all you loyal readers who have very lazy mornings: I’ll be on The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC tomorrow (Wednesday, December 17) from 10:40 till 11am, preaching the gospel of home cooking.

My fellow guests and I will be addressing the unique pain in the ass that is cooking in a standard NYC kitchen–and how to get yourself motivated to kick the takeout habit, and save some cash while you’re at it. (Yes, every dollar you save can go directly into the cocktail budget!)

I’ll be on the air with Kate McDonough of The City Cook, and the divine Parsley Cresswell, author of the forthcoming Upper East Side Cookbook.

Tune in…and call in! Softball questions appreciated–maybe along the lines of, “So, Zora, can you just elaborate on how exactly home cooking will utterly transform my life? Thanks!”

If you wake up late and miss it (or you have to, what’s that called?, work?), it’ll be posted online and available as a podcast–check out the show page for details.

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