Vomiting Squid!

Just in case someone who isn’t swimming in this tiny little inbred bloggers’ pool wanders in, Wayne has been recounting his experience in navy boot camp over here. Actually, it seems like it might be close to done (he just said that after the first day, it was pretty much all the same), so better run over and look for posts starting with “Howard Yarch,” before it all slips down into the archive (I haven’t bothered to learn how to link to specific posts).

But why should you care? Of course, because he talks about what you eat in boot camp. And how you don’t always keep it all down. And navy newbies are called squids, which are a tasty treat. (Which I didn’t mean with a leer, but now that I’ve typed it, sure, what the heck.)

And of course it’s good to know because Peter’s dad keeps promoting the draft. And now that I’m well above draft age, I’m all for it! Makes me wonder though–would I just die in boot camp, or would it be later? I know I’d be one of the barfing people Wayne talks about, at any rate.

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